22.03.2011  |  Events ocsadmin

The opening of Real Color by Rena Effendi at the Gallery Photographer.ru

Tuesday, March 22 19:30 at the Gallery Photographer.ru there will be the opening of the Rena Effendi’s exhibition Real Color.

Already well aclaimed thanks to her black-and-white photos (in particular, her black-and-white Pipeline has received a lot of prestigious international awards), Rena Effendi will demonstrate to the publiс her masterly excellence of working with color. Rena belongs to that small group of modern phoptographers who can make a full photographic statement with the help of a color. Vivid, oriently rich and occasionally dramatic color plays in her work several functions at the same time – it states emotions, symbolizes certain states of mind and periods of human’s life (as, for example, in Khinalug series work red color symbolizes wedding), denotes author’s attitude to what is happening in the shot. It also plays an important formative role often arranging the shot composition.

The exhibition opens within the festival Fashion and Style in Photography 2011 and consists of works from several series: Khinalug. Wedding. Red, Georgia. War. Brown, Absheron. Oil. Black Gold and others. The exhibition is on view till May 10.