27.06.2011  |  Events ocsadmin

Anton Koslov Mayr at the exhibition New York, Then and Now at MMOMA (Moscow)

From June 28 through July 31, the exhibition New York, Then and Now will be taking place at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (9 Tverskoy Blvd); its participants include 29 photographers from different countries, among them the Gallery.Photographer.ru gallery artist Anton Koslov Mayr.

New York, Then and Now is a project of Andrey Martynov, curator and Administrative director of the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, and has already been travelling throughout Russia for two years. It will subsequently be shown in Hungary, Germany and France, and the tour will come to an end in the city it is dedicated to in 2012. The traveling exhibition features a selection of 250 photographs of New York, which were taken over the course of almost a century; “the City that Never Sleeps” is captured by the photographic lenses of Walter Rosenblum, Arthur Leipzig, Carlos Escolastico, Jennifer Drucker, Anita Chernewski, Barry Kornbluh, Kerstin Drobek, Marcy V. Hargan, Zbigniew Kosc, Valery Orlov, Anton Koslov Mayr and others.

Anton Koslov Mayr participates in the exhibition with the project In the Shadow of Trump. The series was shot in 2007 and is comprised of two parts: the first is dedicated to Trump, his family and business. The second is made in the genre of classic street photography and, according to the artist, captures “Trump Tower as the emanation of the Black Obelisque from Kubrik’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and of the people living in its shadow”.

The photographs from the series In the Shadow of Trump can be seen here.

A more detailed description of the exhibition can be found on the MMOMA site.