15.07.2010  |  Events ocsadmin

Nikolai Ignatiev Exhibition at Novosibisk State Art Museum

Nikolai Ignatiev exhibition is open in frames of Different Dimension festival.

Different Dimension festival is a quite big affair taking place in Novosibisk State Art Museum and occupying three floors of the building. Twenty eight photographers from thirteen countries are taking part bringing not a few prints but in fact the whole projects. This year Different Dimension shows work of David Stephenson (Australia), Andreas Pein (Germany), Norio Kobayashi (Japan), many others.

Exhibition in memory of Nikolai Ignatiev is composed of 15 prints prepared by Gallery Photographer.ru specially for solo exhibition Color and Form held in the Gallery in 2009.

For more information about Nikola Ignatiev please visit the webpage of the author at the Gallery site.