15.09.2010  |  Articles ocsadmin
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Documentary Fiction by Rodger Ballen at Gallery Photographer.ru

Author: Elena Kirillova
Publisher: The Moscow News

This fall amateurs of fine photography will be given a chance to see one of the most extravagant contemporary living classics of photography Rodger Ballen. He managed to produce his own style – documentary fiction, organic mixture of documentary photography with symbolism and abstractionism.
An exhibition showing last Ballen series BOARDING HOUSE will be open since 15th of September till 28th of November at Gallery Photographer.ru. On September, 16 an open discussion between Roger Ballen and art-critic Ekaterina Degot will take place.

Partner of the event: FUJIFILM.

The exhibition is supported by The Embassy of The United States in Moscow.

For more details about Rodger Ballen exhibition please go here .