04.05.2011  |  Events ocsadmin

Alexander Gronsky at the 2011 Fotografica Bogota Festival

The largest international photography biennial in Latin America, FOTOGRAFICA BOGOTA 2011, in Bogota (Columbia) from May 4 till June 15. Among the festival participants is Alexander Gronsky from the Photographer.ru gallery and agency.

The month and a half long marathon FOTOGRAFICA BOGOTA 2011: TESTIMONY AND VISION – BEYOND PHOTOJOURNALISM is organized by Fotomuseo – the Columbian National Photography Museum. The organizers have announced an extensive program that includes museum, gallery and open air exhibitions (displaying the works of 44 artists from 24 countries), conferences, master classes, film program and lectures by curators and writers from all over the world.

«The artists invited to this event are set apart by their abilityvocation to transform and capture those features that beyond the obvious and the expected», says – the official press for the festival. Alexander Gronsky’s exhibition The Edge is on view during the festival, he also led a master class at the National University of Columbia.