The 4th international photo festival has opened on Thursday October 14 in the Polish…
Alnis Stakle exhibition at the...
On Thursday October 14, an exhibition opened at the Chelsea Art Museum in New…
Questions and answers with Sergey...
BJP: You started out as a philosopher, how did you get into photography? SC:…
06 October 2011 - 04 December 2011
Alexander Gronsky: Pastoral
Pastoral is a genre that poeticizes simple, peaceful rural life. In fine art, for…
Portfolio “Burnt by the Sun”
Special issue of Russian reporter magazine, dedicated to 100 most influential people in Russia,…
Lyudmila Zinchenko wins the Kandinsky...
Lyudmila Zinchenko, the artist of the agency and gallery was shortlisted for the…
Rena Effendi wins the Prince...
Rena Effendi, the author of the has won the prestigious Prince Claus Fund…
Alexander Gronsky at SI Fest
On September 9 another SI Fest international photography festival opened in Savignano sul Rubicone…
Los paraísos perdidos
Existen espacios donde todo está reglamentado, impera el orden; el orden es seguridad o,…