11.09.2012  |  Events ocsadmin

Alexander Gronsky Takes Part in the Exhibition: About The Town. Krasnogorsky District

Since the 8th of September till the 20th of November the exhibition “About the town. Krasnogorsky District” will take place in the town Krasnogorsk near Moscow. This exhibition is being held upon the local initiative. Its purpose it to help a town, shaded by Moscow, to acquire its own identity, to realize itself as an independent being, to get its own voice. During the exhibition three photographers expressed their personal attitude to this territory, namely Igor Mukhin, Sergey Leontiev and the author from Grinberg Photos Alexander Gronsky. In his text about the exhibition Vladimir Dudchenko says, “Gronsky summarizes his opinion about Krasnogorsk as a place where the city meets the village, where two distinct aesthetics meet, causing some kind of visual chaos. However, Gronsky doesn’t in any way reprove this environment; it is exactly this confrontation that attracts him”. The projects of photographers are demonstrated on the fence of the Mechanical Factory (Rechnaya street) in the open.
To learn more follow the link: