30.11.2010  |  Events ocsadmin

Exhibition SAUL LEITER: EARLY COLOR. Pthotographs of 1950-1960s opens on 30th of November at Gallery Photographer.ru

Unique color and radically innovative compositions that have a painterly quality and coming from his artistic experience single out his prints among the work of his New York School contemporaries and make them especially attractive for a modern viewer.

– Leiter`s sensibility placed him outside the visceral confrontations with urban anxiety associated with photographers such as Robert Frank or William Klein. Instead, for him the camera provided an alternate way of seeing, of framing events and interpreting reality. He sought out moments of quiet humanity in the Manhattan maelstrom, forging a unique urban pastoral from the most unlikely of circumstances. (Martin Harrison. Saul Leiter, Early Color, Guttingen, 2006).

Saul Leiter`s work is in the collections of MOMA; the Victoria and Albert Museum; the National Gallery of Australia; the Albertina Museum; Staatliche Museen Zu Berlin; and other prestigious public and private collections.

30 authentic color prints will be shown for the first time in Moscow at Gallery Photographer.ru.