18.03.2011  |  Events ocsadmin

Title Nation by Valeri Nistratov and Jason Eskenazi at the Central Exhibition Hall Manege

Friday, March 18 at the Cenral Exhibition Hall Manege (Manezhnaya square, 1) the exhibition Statistics opens within the festival Fashion and Style in Photography 2011. Works from a joint project by gallery Photographer.ru photographer Valeri Nistratov and American photographer Jason Eskenazi will be shown.

The work took 3 years, photographers visited 7 Russian regions. The photographic strategy was simple – every shot was made in the same conditions: the light, distance to the lens, model’s posture. Only the place changed – from the factory to the street, from the station to the hospital, prison, post office, resort, etc. Photographers covered more than 10 towns, among them Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Saint-Petersburg, Sochi, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow.

The exhibition is on view till April 24, 2011.