24.01.2011  |  Events ocsadmin

Title Nation by Valeri Nistratov and Jason Eskenazi was published

In December 2010 Dutch publishing house Schilt Publishing released the book Title Nation. The book is a joint project by Valeri Nistratov (photographer, Agency.Photographer.ru) and American photographer Jason Eskenazi.

– It is hard to recall now who was the initiator, it is more likely our common idea – tells Valeri Nistratov. – Some years ago when the wave of official patriotism rose we decided to create a documentary portrait of Russian nation.

The work lasted for 1,5 year, the photographers travelled across seven Russian regions and took portraits of the people of the different age and social groups against a white smooth background and with the same illumination. Besides the 100 photos there are interviews in the book that makes the characteristics more precise. On authors recognition they were inspired by similar study-series by Richard Avedon and Walker Evans.

The presentation of the book will take place at the Gallery.Photographer.Ru February, 15. А round table and a Skype conference with Jason Eskenazi are planned.