30.06.2010  |  Events ocsadmin

Nikolay Bakharev at RUSSIA! exhibition at Michael Hoppen Gallery, London

Open on June 30, 2010 a group exhibition RUSSIA! includes 9 works of Nikolay Bakharev from Gallery Photographer.ru collection. Exhibition is open till August 7, 2010.

The Michael Hoppen Gallery is devoted to the photographic image as art. The gallery opened in Chelsea on October 1st 1993 by Michael Hoppen, who is a photographer himself with more than twenty years experience, and a long time collector of photography and has become a formidable presence in the international photography community. Founded in November 2000, the Michael Hoppen Contemporary Gallery has become a major international photographic gallery over the past seven years. Gallery presented around 50 exhibitions already and since 2009 together with Gallery Photographer.ru started introducing Nikolay Bakharev on British art-market.

For more details about the exhibition please visit Michael Hoppen Gallery website.